< Teaching \>

I teach B.Sc and M.Sc courses at the School of Technology of the Polythecnic Institute of Tomar. Currently, the materials of the courses are hosted in the e-learning platform , but some old webpages (before 2012) are still accessible.

Curso Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica (M2E) - M.Sc degree (Electrical Engineering Master) (2 years program)

Curso Mestrado emEngenharia Informática - Internet das Coisas (MEI- IdC) - M.Sc degree (Informatics Engineering Master - IoT)

(2 years program)

Curso Licenciatura Engenharia Electrotécnia e de Computadores (LEEC) - B.Sc degree (3 years program)

Curso de Técnico Superior Profissional (TeSP) - (2 years program)

Past courses (MSc, BSc, TesP, CET)